Dentures are a remarkable dental solution that can transform the lives of those facing tooth loss. Whether you are missing a few teeth or an entire set, dentures offer a lifelike replacement that restores your smile and oral function.

Dentures become necessary when you have experienced significant tooth loss, making it challenging to perform everyday functions like chewing and speaking. Common reasons for needing dentures include advanced tooth decay, gum disease, injury or age-related tooth loss. If you have been struggling with discomfort, self-consciousness or difficulty eating, our dentures in City of Industry, California, might be the ideal solution to help you regain confidence and oral function.

The process of getting dentures typically begins with a thorough examination and consultation with Dr. Ana Cariaga at Valley Dental, who will assess your oral health and discuss the various denture options available. Once a treatment plan is established, impressions of your mouth will be taken, and your custom-made dentures will be created. You will return for fittings and adjustments to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. Adjusting to dentures may take time, but our dentist will provide guidance on care and maintenance to help you adapt.

Beyond improving oral function, dentures can enhance your facial appearance by providing support to your lips and cheeks. Additionally, they are a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement, making them accessible to a broad range of patients. Overall, dentures can significantly improve your quality of life, allowing you to enjoy the pleasures of a healthy, functional smile. Call 626-965-7445 today to get started on your treatment with a consultation.

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